ANYmal robot performs autonomous inspection of nuclear repository

These robots are invaluable, especially in areas where human access is limited or non-existent.

Isbel Lázaro.

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Robot ANYmal realiza inspección autónoma en un depósito nuclear

Thanks to a collaboration between the European Commission, the Joint Research Center and Posiva Oy, the ANYmal robot performs an autonomous inspection in the Onkalo galleries, where Finland’s spent nuclear fuel is stored.

This robot, capable of visual observation of assets, sophisticated mobility and independent operation, is perfectly adapted to harsh environments and ensures thorough inspections. ANYmal is positioned as a foolproof safety mechanism, recording the nuclear waste repository without the need for human intervention, resulting in significant advances in the safety, efficiency and evolution of robotic inspection in nuclear facilities.

Located near the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Finland, Onkalo is a pioneer in nuclear waste management, being the world’s first site dedicated to the safe, long-term disposal of used nuclear fuel, a project currently being carried out by Posiva. In this context, autonomous robots become essential tools within nuclear facilities, offering protection to employees by minimizing their exposure to radioactive contaminants.

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ANYmal: an important resource for autonomous inspection

Robots such as ANYmal, developed by ANYbotics, are instrumental in carrying out automated inspections that contribute to nuclear safety at the Olkiluoto subway complex.

The project underscores the critical importance of ANYmal in strengthening nuclear security measures, as it focuses on the deployment of autonomous robots tasked with patrolling targeted areas, providing constant visual as well as radiation surveillance, crucial for personnel protection.

Challenges include demonstrating the ANYmal robot’s ability to navigate long distances in Onkalo, overcoming various types of terrain within the maze of tunnels.


ANYmal robot inspecting Onkalo galleries

At the Onkalo complex, ANYmal demonstrated its efficiency and endurance in a challenging subway environment. Located more than 400 meters underground and navigating a system composed of more than 100 storage tunnels, accessible through a 5 km main spiral tunnel, ANYmal autonomously performed critical and repetitive tasks. This facilitated the operators’ task of collecting and managing critical inspection and monitoring information.

The applications for which it was used at Onkalo include visual surveillance of critical components such as meters, levers and valves, as well as assisting in the generation and updating of three-dimensional models on demand, while accompanying inspectors on their inspection tours.

As a redundant safety measure, ANYmal plays a vital role in recording the safe storage and handling of nuclear waste, eliminating the need for human intervention in hazardous areas. The implementation of this inspection robot provides crucial data, allowing work teams at complex sites such as Onkalo to react in a more agile and effective manner, thus contributing to increased safety and operational efficiency.

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